Eclipse Wholesale
1. What are Eclipse Wholesale's opening hours?
The Eclipse Wholesale offices are open Monday – Friday 9 am -5 pm.
We also have a 24/7 out-of-hours critical care team to handle any faults or queries outside of office hours.
2. How can I get in touch with Eclipse Wholesale?
You can get in touch with Eclipse Wholesale via email or phone.
Call 0344 243 5555 and select the required contact.
Or email:
[email protected] for provisioning queries.
[email protected] for billing and account queries.
[email protected] for marketing queries.
3. Where are Eclipse Wholesale’s offices?
Eclipse Wholesale HQ is situated at 16 Bankside, The Watermark, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 9SY.
We also have a satellite office space in Edinburgh that is located 26 Dublin St, Edinburgh EH3 6NN.
4. What products and services do Eclipse Wholesale offer?
Eclipse Wholesale offers Connectivity, Unified Comms & Voice, Mobile, IoT and Managed Billing. To find out more visit here.
1. How do I become an Eclipse Wholesale Channel partner?
If you are interested in becoming an Eclipse Wholesale Partner contact [email protected] and a member of our sales team will be in touch to go through our product stack, what our partnership will involve and the onboarding process. If you are happy with everything discussed the onboarding will begin to make you an Eclipse Wholesale Channel Partner.
2. Where can I download the Eclipse Wholesale authorised partner logo?
As an Eclipse Wholesale Authorised Partner, you have access to our partner logo which includes several benefits such as we will promote your brand, you will be added to the ‘’Our Partners’’ section of our website and you will be enrolled on the Eclipse Wholesale Lead Generation Scheme.
3. Where can I download the Eclipse Wholesale partner pack?