
To provide our customers with the highest quality services, we establish partnerships with renowned technology providers that we have built reputable, long-standing relationships with. This ensures we can supply our customers with the best technology to support their businesses and assist them to grow in the future. 
We have been in partnership with Zen Internet for over 10 years, over this time we have worked together to build a strong and dedicated relationship that delivers the best possible results for our customers. Zen Internet is a certified B Corp organisation which emphasises a balance between profit and purpose, in which they are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community and the environment. 
As a result of this we can ensure our customers nothing but the highest quality services. With the help of Zen internet, we can provide our customers with Broadband and Ethernet Leased Lines. Our partnership offers a full range of Fast, Superfast and Ultrafast broadband technologies, including ADSL and FTTC, along with this we offer Ethernet Leased Lines with speeds from 2Mbps to 1Gbps with EoFTTC or Fire Ethernet, this allows every customer to have a bespoke service that is right for them. 
Client Feedback 
“We work in an industry that, rightly or wrongly, has developed a reputation for poor customer service, but it is my firm belief that it shouldn’t be that way. Although technology is an important factor, providing an alternative choice for customers is central to success. At Zen, we have a passionate belief in the power that people have to effect change and to provide a great experience for our partners and their end users. We love working with the likes of Eclipse Wholesale who really do go above and beyond to deliver service excellence.” 
Paul Stobart, CEO, Zen 
Take a look at our main partners page for more information on becoming a partner.